Wednesday, October 11, 2006

e-learning? what for?

Develop qualities and enjoy the Internet!

To get good in professional activity, you might develop personal qualities that will help you to be efficient: generosity, patience, discipline, insight, perseverance, comprehension.

If you think about it, you’ll discover that every day you improve these qualities on the Internet through offers and uses.


the main business model on the internet is based on free use. For example, if you want to listen to old music, you can go on Nostalgie radio. If you look for informations about new movies, you can go find them on allocine for instance. If you don't know what to cook for diner, you can look for a recipie on marmiton. You want to read daily news, go on the New York Times website. All these services are delivered for free. So in that sense, we can say that these website are generous, or at least they are generous toward users, since most of them get money by advertising.


I think this quality is especially tested by users. Indeed, when you move on the internet, you are often confronted to technical problems ( you don't have the right program, the page is download to slowly...) and to problems from organization on the Internet. I mean that most of the website earn money thanks to advertising, and some forms of ad are really awkward as pop-up or expand banners. For instance, if you go on allocine, you won't reach the home page directly, you'll have an ad for a new movie, at least today, October 11th.


once again, I think that this quality is improved y user when they participate to forum or wiki. If you search informations about Linux, you have the opportunity to go on forum to discuss with people who know well the product. Imagine if someone connect on this forum and explain wrong things "just for fun"... The credibility and the interest of the forum are down. It's the same on wikipedia: giving a false definition you will induce someone in the error.


How you use the Internet? Do you use all the opportunities? You should use the Internet in order to get benefits for you. For instance, you are interested on a particular subject? search on the web more informations, sign up for receiving podcats on this particular subject. You are passionated by flowers and gardens, sign up on this website to listen podcasts.


There are so many websites that it's very difficult to find quickly good informations, or THE useful website. When you look for more informations about e-learning on Google, you find 268,000,000 answers. Even if answers are ranked, you have to be perseverance to find the adequate answer.


It is the summary of the five quality above. You use the internet well when you understand it.

Discover the large scape of the Web!

The Internet offers many ways to learn English. I think that good practice is either sign up for podcasts in English, either watch English TV programs, CNN news for instance. It doesn't take you more time than usually. Find a program or podcast that interest you, on a subject on which you often search informations in French. Do the same work in english website if possible, and you'll progress in understanding written and spoken english.


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