Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Midterm Exam exercise

Level one

An example of true generosity:
It is the french administration website. As a public organisation, they don't make money. Each person can find informations about administration for free.

An example of outsourcing:
You select you photos, your preference and you send it. The following day, you go to the shop to take it. There's no seller anymore. I lived this reality 2 days ago. I have 1000 photos to develop. On the website it costs me 136 euros. As I had problems to load them, I went to the shop to give it to a seller. But if I use this traditional way it costs me 630 euros, because of the work of people who don't do anything on Internet!

An example of cannibalizing one's own market:
On this website you can find products, advice as in the shop. People don't need anymore to move.

An example of creating a community of value:
This the biggest website in France. There is a real community of teenagers on the forum who like same kind of music, RnB.

Give an example of a podcast that helps you learn english and how: I don't have any MP3 player or i-pod, and internet connection. So my only solution is to hear it at Celsa, when there is place in the computers room. It is a good way to learn english and to improve my cinema culture.

Give an example of an old media organisation using podcast:

Level two

Intellectual property. Give at least five example:
Intellectual property refers to creations of the mind: inventions, literary and artistic works, and symbols, names, images, and designs used in commerce.Intellectual property is divided into two categories: Industrial property, which includes inventions (patents), trademarks, industrial designs, and geographic indications of source; and Copyright, which includes literary and artistic works such as novels, poems and plays, films, musical works, artistic works such as drawings, paintings, photographs and sculptures, and architectural designs. Rights related to copyright include those of performing artists in their performances, producers of phonograms in their recordings, and those of broadcasters in their radio and television programs.
For example: a numerical library shows the problem of intelluctual property. We can't put it on the Internet because of the intellectual property. Then, is an example of a website wher we can load free musics against the law about intellectual property. Moreover, this notion concerns advertising. When I made my internship in a "régie publicitaire". The advertising director wanted to propose to put a TV ad on the web site but it wasn't possible because of the creative property of the agence. We can also think about emission of television. They make part of the intellectual property. We can't use the image as we want. And to finish, we can't use an artistic image whiwh has a copyright without getting the permission.

EULA, or end user licensing agreement:
An EULA is a legal contract between the manufacturer and/or the author and the end user of an application. The EULA details how the software can and cannot be used and any restrictions that the manufacturer imposes (e.g., most EULA’s of proprietary software prohibit the user from sharing the software with anyone else). Not every EULA is the same. Some contracts stipulate acceptance of the agreement simply by opening the shrink-wrapped package; some require the user to mail back to the manufacturer a signed agreement or acceptance card; some require the user to accept the agreement after the application is installed by clicking on an acceptance form that appears on the user’s monitor. This last method is typical of applications that can be downloaded from the Internet. In all instances, the user has the option of not accepting the EULA, subsequently surrendering the rights and ability to use the software. As in typical legal contracts, the EULA protects both parties from liability if the software is used in a way not intended by the manufacturer or author. The EULA also is often referred to as the software license or user license.

DRM, or digital rights management:
It permits to defend the author rights of texts, images, videos... With a DRM we can broadcast texts, sounds, images on a numerical way protecting author rights.
Ex: protecting of the MP3 music.

Pay on demand TV:
It is a technologic system which permits to watch a TV program when we want. We pay just for one program.

Time shifting:
It is a technologic system which records the TV program for example while you are looking it. So that if you want to make a break, you can begin where you have stopped before your break. You see all the film even if you need a break.
Ex: TIVO,aid,16498,00.asp

TiVo is a popular brand of digital video recorder (DVR), a term synonymous with personal video recorder (PVR). It is a consumer video device which allows users to capture television programming to internal hard disk storage for later viewing (sometimes called "time shifting").

FTP Server
An FTP server is a server which permits to share documents on our hard disk, especially documents which are too big to be sent, as video, photos. The advantage of this software is that whoever can discover the documents. You are not obliged to send it. Just give the address.

Prime time TV and radio
That's the moment when there is the most people watching TV, or listening to radio. For TV, this is from 9p.m until 11p.m., for the radio it is the same and also early in the morning, from 7 a.m to 9p.m.
Ex of an emission on prime time :

Long tail marketing strategy
A marketing strategy established on a long period.

Click and mortar company:
A company which exists on Internet and in reality.

You make an exact copy of a software CD and you crack the codes in order to use the software.

Alternative journalism on the web
It is a journalism different from the classical journalism of famous titles. People give other points of views. It is also people who live in countries where there is a strong control. They publish on their blog useful informations that they are not allowed to give, or opinions that they are not allowed to say.

Level three

"monetize an Internet model"
In my mind, "monetize an Internet model" is to decide to make money on a website whereas it was not its purpose first. I think about radio website as Fun radio exists without the Internet. It is a famous teenager radio in France. At one moment they decided to implant themselves on the Internet. I can't remember exactly the apparence of the first version of the website but It wasn't as developped in term of commercial offers as now. If you go on, you are proposed to buy a lot af think: loading ringings of mobile, buy CD's, DVD's, concert tickets...etc Moreover, Funradio makes money selling a lot a ads on its website. Internet appears as an opportunity to make money for Fun Radio.


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