Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Review questions for November 30

The exercise we did in class this week involved finding information. What was your best source of information to answer the questions? Why? What other strategies did you use to answer the questions?

I have seeked and found the major part of the informations on Google. I am used to this search engin, as a lot of people. I like it because generally it makes a good selection on topics I want. But sometimes it isn't pertinent, so I also used Wikipedia. This source is practical and user-friendly, and for the technical subjects we had to treat, it was an intersting source for me, while I have very little knowledge in this domain.

At the end of class, we had a collection of answers available to all of you in the form of each student's blog. What is this effect called and what does it do? How can it be useful to you? Did you use it? What types of situations or tasks can it be useful in?

The practice can be useful in term of share of ideas. Instead of having each one our paper and your correction on this, as a traditional way, we can look at other students ideas and definitions. It could be a very enriching experience. I have been on Juliette's blog o see her definition of "long tail marketing strategies".

I believe it could be an interesting tool for group works. It permits to the members to be aware of the new ideas of their collegues.

What is the difference between the attitude and approach of French people (in general) and Americans (in general) to technology and the adoption of new technologies? Should this change? How? What would help it change?

Apparently, American people are more enthousiasts with the new technologies and they adopt them easily, whereas French people are more reticents and careful. But I believe both approachs are interesting: Amercicans permit the technologies be developing and the French approach which prefer studing them, helps to take the distance and to think about the changes this new technologies can provoque in our society.

So, in my mind, on one hand, Americans should think more about their use of new technologies beacause there good and bad things in these. On the other hand, French should be less scareful in front of new technologies. This could chang by an opening of mind in both country to other cultures and uses.

In more and more professions, the application of e-communications skills like we are developing are increasingly important. Give three examples of professions you are interested in where this is the case.

If we considere e-mails as e-communication skills, every professions are concerned. But if we considere the work at distance, I don't see any communication job which this kind of practices are used. Indeed, they are professions in which personnal contacts are very very important. They are on the statement of a good communication. Obviously, conferences at distance exist in every professions. So that's interesting to know how to create and maintain a link in this case.

Concerning the practice of ripping: what is your point of view on this practice? Is it illegal? Is it unethical? What are the moral considerations? Do you consider it normal? Why?

I am not used to this practice because it is technically too much difficult for me! And I dont't need friends make it for me because I don't need new software. So, as I am not concerned, I would say that illegal and unethical, that is a theft. When you want something in a shop, you have to buy it to have it. That's exactly the same on Internet. On the other hand, softwares are very expensive, too much expansive. So I understand people who make ripping.

What are three things you learned from this exercise, two things that interested you, and one question you still have about the subjects mentioned?

I have learnt a lot of things: about every technical subjects: EULA, DRM, TIVO

I was interested by the intellectual property and by television on demand.

One question: what is exactly "monnetize an internet model"?

And for “long tail marketing strategies” answer, remember to give an example on your website!
Long Tail Marketing is a technique to increase sales while decreasing the cost per sale by developing and selling to thousands of niche markets. It has implications within search engine marketing, online selling and advertising purchases. Ex; video games companies



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