Monday, January 29, 2007

I have experimented video podcast with Sylvain, Erwan and Jean-Sebastien. Have a look on it, it is quite funny, and interesting...

Do you know me?

You maybe really interested by my former posts, but I guess you wonder who is behind this wonderful and so interesting blog.
So I decided to present you some parts of my student life and professional experiences. Of course, this is by reading what I have provided in this blog and in my wiki, that you'll be able to really know what I can do and what I think.
You can click on pictures to know more about institutions and firms presented.

My student course

After a year in litterature class to prepare competitions for Sciences Po, I have been studying history in the famous university, La Sorbonne.

Then, I passed the exam to enter in the Celsa, the famous communication school in france, which is part of La Sorbonne. Here, Bob Spaulding taught us e-communication, class in which I created this blog.

In order to improve my english, but also to meet some new people from all over the world (and to have a lot of parties!!!), I have been to Denmark as an exchange student for one semestre. I was at Aarhus School of Business.

My professional experiences

My longest experience is a intership at, and 's advertising control. I did some marketing, customer relationship and market studies.

But I also had some little job to make money:

I have been saleswomen when there were sales in big shops.
I have been welcoming hostess on different events, as the Salon mondial de l'automobile.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Second Life and e-learning communication class: what kind of comparison?

I think that we can find a lot of explainations about concepts we discussed in class. And more, the concept of this class is more deeply developped in Second Life. It's the occasion to come back on few notions.

Social networks and outsourcing to the customer
This new term describes the new way some parts of the web are designed. Contents of some pages on the web come only from users.

Linden Lab, the company behind the game, said, on its
blog, it is making the software blueprint of its PC program available to developers to modify for their personal use and to share with others. It's the same model that's used to build the Linux operating system and the Firefox Web browser.
Philip Rosedale, Linden Lab's co-founder and chief executive officer, said he hopes the developer community will help his relatively small staff 50 programmers or so fix bugs in the code and optimize the software for use on older computers. He also expects some cool tools to emerge.

It's kind of social networks, a website where contents are produced by users.
However , I would say qualify this practice as outsourcing to the customer. Indeed, more than permitting a co-working, opening the source is a way for Linden Lab Not to work to hard for the futur.

Cybercrime is a term used broadly to describe criminal activity in which computers or networks are a tool, a target, or a place of criminal activity. These categories are not exclusive and many activities can be characterized as falling in one or more categories.

Communicating without real contact
In this class we were asked to create a MSN account in order to participate to the virtual class. It supposed to invent a pseudo, adn to get used not to speak with a personn in front of us. We hadn't to be that creative with the creation of our name, and through the webcame we could discover real face of our interlocuter. Anyway it could be the first step of a virtual class, as Second Life offers a virtual world. By creating an avatar you create a new identity. Maybe classes of the futur will be that way. Could you imagine a teacher or a pupils with this look (picture below)?! Schools will provide rules of behaviour in the virtual class!

More over, Second Life shows what you want to be. Your avatar reflects what you would like to be. Your identity is on the web, as
Loic Le Meur, famous French blogger says. In our e-communication class, Bob underlined the fact we should have an e-portfolio in order to show what who we are, and what are the competences we have. This is the same logic: demonstrate by the Internet tools who we are.

We discussed about the fact Youtube has been bought by Google in order to sell ad spaces on the website. Indeed, brands use the sucess of some webtsites to reach their cusotmers. In Second Life brands are more and more present. Look at the video below to understand.

To keep you busy...

Introduction to Second Life

Second Life is an online alternate universe, a 3D virtual world that exists only on the Net. Using your very own 3D avatar, you can lead, yes, a second life, mimicking everything from a night on the town to a career in real estate. It's a way of interacting with other people, but it's also a way of building a new persona. And if you're serious about it, you can even make some money.
How real brands make money in Second Life?

This video will explain you how much real companies have invested in Second Life to reach their customers. Linden labs, the company, has understood that its success could bring a lot of money... In the magazine of Second Life, there is a heading called "Advertise in Second Life". But the most important, and surprising is the presence of the brands in the game. Watch this video to learn more about it...

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Listen our podacst to learn more about mashup!


The term mash-up refers to a new breed of Web-based applications created by hackers and programmers (typically on a volunteer basis) to mix at least two different services from disparate, and even competing, Web sites. A mash-up, for example, could overlay traffic data from one source on the Internet over maps from Yahoo, Microsoft, Google or any content provider. The term mash-up comes from the hip-hop music practice of mixing two or more songs.

This capability to mix and match data and applications from multiple sources into one dynamic entity is considered by many to represent the promise of the Web service standard (also referred to as on-demand computing).

f you take content of other websites on your own one, you have to check before if the webmaster of the website is agree to let you get his informations.

That’s happened to Google recently which had open at the beginning of this year the Belgium version of Google news. The association of the daily press publishers didn’t let Google to publish the content of their articles on Google News.

At the beginning of last September Google lost the lawsuit against the association of the daily press and withdraw all news which come from Belgium’s daily newspaper websites.

All the details of the 'Belgium Google News affair'

Netvibes purposes to its users to create their personal space, in order to aggregate the news they want to receive, with RSS and Atom technology support. Created with an Ajax-bases start page, the webpage can be organized through tabs and modules, and let its users to chose the type of content they want to have (news, Gmail messages, web search, local weather forecast…)

Wednesday, November 22, 2006


go on the wonderful wiki of my group. You'll learn a lot about the Internet practices!
click here

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Better security on the web

shttp is the new version of the protocole http. This one didn't ensure enough security on the web, in particular for services on line. That 's why searchers worked on a new protocole and created SHTTP.
S-HTTP was designed by E. Rescorla and A. Schiffman of EIT to secure HTTP connections. S-HTTP provides a wide variety of mechanisms to provide for confidentiality, authentication, and integrity. Separation of policy from mechanism was an explicit goal. The system is not tied to any particular cryptographic system, key infrastructure, or cryptographic format. The internet draft is fairly clear in its presentation of the protocol, although implementation details are sketchy.

sharing ideas

Learning by the internet is not that easy, in that sense that it's difficult to intereact in class. Each one is doing his own assignment and we don't have any exchange about topics we study.
I think that the idea of creating personal Netvibes with RSS feed to other students blogs is a very good idea. Maybe we could work in group. It would be interesting in term of sharing ideas.

cybercrime and computers lovers

Caught in the Act

we all have things we like to do for fun...

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

keep up with news

RSS is a family of web feed formats. The initialism "RSS" is variously used to refer to the following standards:

Really Simple Syndication (RSS 2.0)
Rich Site Summary (RSS 0.91, RSS 1.0)
RDF Site Summary (RSS 0.9 and 1.0)
RSS formats are specified in XML (a generic specification for data formats). RSS delivers its information as an XML file called an "RSS feed", "webfeed", "RSS stream", or "RSS channel".
RSS is a simple XML-based system that allows users to subscribe to their favorite websites. Using RSS, webmasters can put their content into a standardized format, which can be viewed and organized through RSS-aware software or automatically conveyed as new content on another website.
A program known as a feed reader or aggregator can check a list of feeds on behalf of a user and display any updated articles that it finds. It is common to find web feeds on major websites and many smaller ones. Some websites let people choose between RSS or Atom formatted web feeds; others offer only RSS or only Atom.
On Web pages, web feeds (RSS or Atom) are typically linked with the word "Subscribe", an orange rectangle, , or with the letters or . Many news aggregators such as My Yahoo![1] publish subscription buttons for use on Web pages to simplify the process of adding news feeds.
On the bottom of the home page of the NY Times , you can subscribe to the RSS feed to be contacted as soon as there are news. It can be very usefull if you don't have time to check often if there are some news which interest you, especially if you use Netvibes.

Go to jail!

Cybercrime is a term used broadly to describe criminal activity in which computers or networks are a tool, a target, or a place of criminal activity. These categories are not exclusive and many activities can be characterized as falling in one or more categories.

Although the term cybercrime is usually restricted to describing criminal activity in which the computer or network is an essential part of the crime. This term is also used to include traditional crimes in which computers or networks are used to enalbe the illicit activity.

Examples of cybercrime in which the computer or network is a tool of the criminal activity include spamming and certain intellectual property and criminal copyright crimes, particularly those facilitated through peer-to-peer networks.
Examples of cybercrime in which the computer or network is a target of criminal activity include defeating access controls (unauthorized access) , malicious code, and denial-of-service attacks.
Examples of cybercrime in which the computer or network is a place of criminal activity include theft of service (in particular, telecom fraud) and certain financial frauds.
Examples of common (Anti-social engineering) crimes facilitated through the use of computers or networks include Nigerian 419 frauds, identity theft, child pornography, online gambling, securities fraud, etc.

Another way to define cybercrime is simply as criminal activity involving the information technology infrastructure, including illegal access (unauthorized access), illegal interception (by technical means of non-public transmissions of computer data to, from or within a computer system), data interference (unauthorized damaging, deletion, deterioration, alteration or suppression of computer data), systems interference (interfering with the functioning of a computer system by inputting, transmitting, damaging, deleting, deteriorating, altering or suppressing computer data), misuse of devices, forgery (ID theft), and electronic fraud.

All of us are victims of cybercrime with spam. 75% of the exchanged mails in the world are spams: it is so huge! Hopefully, it is the only way I have been reached by cybercrime. But I could have bad experience because of cybercrime on my bank account on line. There are so many examples of it. When I check my bank account there is often a message warning us of current cybercrime.
01Net published an article explaining how some people used the pishing to extract personal codes.

It’s difficult to protect ourselves against these practices. But the first thing to do is not to open mails from people we don’t know or with strange names. An other way to protect ourselves is to use secured websites for risky operations, for example when you buy something on the internet, use famous websites as Amazon.

Billions videos for YOU

YouTube is the leader of the world of the free videos sharing on line. 30.5 million people come every month on this webwite, which ranks it at the 10th place of the Alexa ranking.
What’s its history? How has become so popular?
Three formers employees of Playpal, Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karim founded it February 2005. The creators offered the public a preview of the site in May 2005, and six months later, YouTube made its official debut. On October 9, 2006 it was announced that the company will be purchased by Google for US$ 1.65 billion in stock, which will be Google's biggest purchase to date. The purchase agreement between Google and YouTube came after YouTube presented three agreements with media companies in an attempt to escape the threat of copyright-infringement lawsuits. YouTube will continue to operate independently, and the company's 67 employees and its co-founders will continue working within the company.[
The wide variety of site content includes movie and TV clips and music videos as well as amateur content such as videoblogging. This diversity explains partly the success of YouTube. You can find so many things on it that you remember it every time you want to search something. But I think the main explaination of its success is the easiness to use it. Users may submit videos in several common-file formats (such as .mpeg and .avi). YouTube automatically converts them to Flash Video (with extension .flv) and makes them available for online viewing. Flash Video is a popular video format among large hosting sites due to its wide compatibility. Moreover, the fact you can put video on your blog from YouTube is an other key of its success. Indeed, there are more and more blogs, so more and more people want to make it attractive thanks to video.
In the future?
YouTube may be used by companies to reach consumers, either through video advertising either through analysis of the use of the Internet of particular videos. I mean as companies use internet buzz to spread advertising through funny videos, they could download them on YouTube to make it watch by more consumers. For example, Bic is launching an advertising campaign whose niche is teenagers. So they decided to use the web to spread funny videos. We could imagine they put it on YouTube. Second, on the Internet many statistics about webusers behavior are available. Companies can make a first launch of a music clip for example in order to analyse how to potential consumers could appreciate it.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

other blogs

e-learning? what for?

Develop qualities and enjoy the Internet!

To get good in professional activity, you might develop personal qualities that will help you to be efficient: generosity, patience, discipline, insight, perseverance, comprehension.

If you think about it, you’ll discover that every day you improve these qualities on the Internet through offers and uses.


the main business model on the internet is based on free use. For example, if you want to listen to old music, you can go on Nostalgie radio. If you look for informations about new movies, you can go find them on allocine for instance. If you don't know what to cook for diner, you can look for a recipie on marmiton. You want to read daily news, go on the New York Times website. All these services are delivered for free. So in that sense, we can say that these website are generous, or at least they are generous toward users, since most of them get money by advertising.


I think this quality is especially tested by users. Indeed, when you move on the internet, you are often confronted to technical problems ( you don't have the right program, the page is download to slowly...) and to problems from organization on the Internet. I mean that most of the website earn money thanks to advertising, and some forms of ad are really awkward as pop-up or expand banners. For instance, if you go on allocine, you won't reach the home page directly, you'll have an ad for a new movie, at least today, October 11th.


once again, I think that this quality is improved y user when they participate to forum or wiki. If you search informations about Linux, you have the opportunity to go on forum to discuss with people who know well the product. Imagine if someone connect on this forum and explain wrong things "just for fun"... The credibility and the interest of the forum are down. It's the same on wikipedia: giving a false definition you will induce someone in the error.


How you use the Internet? Do you use all the opportunities? You should use the Internet in order to get benefits for you. For instance, you are interested on a particular subject? search on the web more informations, sign up for receiving podcats on this particular subject. You are passionated by flowers and gardens, sign up on this website to listen podcasts.


There are so many websites that it's very difficult to find quickly good informations, or THE useful website. When you look for more informations about e-learning on Google, you find 268,000,000 answers. Even if answers are ranked, you have to be perseverance to find the adequate answer.


It is the summary of the five quality above. You use the internet well when you understand it.

Discover the large scape of the Web!

The Internet offers many ways to learn English. I think that good practice is either sign up for podcasts in English, either watch English TV programs, CNN news for instance. It doesn't take you more time than usually. Find a program or podcast that interest you, on a subject on which you often search informations in French. Do the same work in english website if possible, and you'll progress in understanding written and spoken english.