Saturday, September 30, 2006


Make your voice heard all over the world!

We spent a lot of time on discussing about podcast. I remember I didn't know what it was. The first time I heard this word was the day Bob asked us to find example on the internet and to record one. I remember too that noone around me, except some Internet experts, did know the meaning of this word.
Podcasting enables independent producers to create selfpublished, syndicated "radioshows", and gives broadcast radio or television programs a new distribution method. In the podcasting model, the publisher publishes a list of programs in a special format, known as a feed, on the web. A user who wants to see or hear the podcast suscribes to the feed in special podcatching software, which periodically checks the feed and automatically downloads new programs as they become available. Typically, the podcasting software also transfers the program to a desktop or a media player. Users create their own program, and they can hear or see whenever and wherever they want. This is the main innovation of podcasting. Contrary to the radio where the feed is imposed, podcasting offers freedom to the users in organizing their time. Moreover, thanks to the RSS feed, they don't have to go their favorite website to download the program, it is done automatically. It's not time-shifted file.
Podcasting is a portmanteau that combines the words broadcasting and iPod. However, the term is not a registered trademark belonging to Apple because neither podcasting nor listening to podcasts requires an iPod.
If you wanto read more information you can go on podcastalley, a wabsite on which podcast is really well explained.
You can find different kind of podcasts on the web: films summary and comments, or radio programs. By the way, if you go Europe 1 website, you'll find example of audio and video podcast.

Save artists!

We also discussed about DRM, Digital Rights Management. It permits to defend authors rights in their creation: texts, pictures, videaos. Wih DRM, you can broadcast texts, sounds, pictures on a digital way protecting author rights. Thanks to technical protecting measures, DRM'goal is to control the use of digital works. For exemple, if a DVD is protected by DRM, you cannot watch it outside the envisaged geographic area. Copies can be limitated too. Some musical forms are incompatibles, as iTunes. etc...
This practice affects more those who pirate media than legitimate purchasers. Indeed, they cannot download all what they want, and they cannot use them as they want.

What's up?

As podcasts show, the Internet is more and more worked by users. They create theirselves their internet, with animations, video... which necessitate high flow. So, I think that the Internet with very high flow, in particular with the arrival of the FTTH, Fiber To The Home, is gonna expand. Internet 2.0 could only live with this kind of technology. This development of the flow speed is very important, and will change the form of the Internet.

Powers war

Today, a big debate animates main actors of the web: Web neutrality

Net neutrality, which is shorthand for network neutrality, is one of two possible answers to the following legislative question: Should cable and telephone companies be allowed to charge add-on fees to others for access to their networks?Under a net-neutral system, the answer would be "no." If net neutrality were to lose, the answer would be "yes."

Currently, AT&T can't ask Google to pay extra for the use of its Internet switches and routers even though Google, the big search-engine Web site, uses much more bandwidth than other, smaller sites.Such extra fees would continue to be forbidden if net neutrality legislation were to prevail in Congress. On the other hand, if AT&T Inc. and other Internet infrastructure providers defeat net neutrality, tiered pricing will be possible for the first time, and big users of the Internet could be dunned for more than they already pay.
Put another way, if net neutrality passes, the AT&Ts of the world will be forced to pay for all of their equipment upgrades themselves and could not subsidize that effort by imposing premium fees for premium services. If net neutrality fails, they will be able to recoup more of those costs than they can now from the likes of Google Inc., Microsoft Corp. and other major users of the World Wide Web.At its heart, then, the battle is commercial -- over who pays how much for improvements to the Internet that we all use and sometimes love.

Leading online players such as Google and Ebay, as well as websites such as It's Our Net, have warned that an internet where the richest could pay to be found would seriously damage competition, freedom of expression and innovation.
Online campaigns are in full swing to protest against the possibility of a two-tier internet, with Save the Internet publishing a list of reasons why the abandonment of net neutrality is a bad idea.
It is really difficult to have clear position about this debate. Indeed, the fights of influence make difficult to create one's own point of view. I would rather agree with the web neutrality. We've been used to have a free internet, where each one can grows up, can express itself easily, can test new concepts. This is the strenght of the Internet.If you know something about technic, you have the opportunity to try something for free. I have the impression that the abandonment of net neutrality might diminish this opportunity by supporting companies which have money.

Open up!

As new concept, we can speek of "social networks". This new term describes the new way some parts of the web are designed. Indeed, contents of some pages on the web come only from users. A wiki works on the idea. The most famous example of the social networks is wikipedia. It is really usefull when you work in group. Our master has created a wiki for one of our class in which we work all together on a project. It shows the high potential
of this technology in growing efficience in professional work. So many, professional projects involve different services and different companies that it could be very usefull to share ideas on a wiki.

Friday, September 29, 2006


A new year of thinking about e-communication begins! let's see what's up on the web ...
What has happened for the last six months, since I stopped to write on this blog? What are the new tools? What are the new concepts? What does it involve in our dependence or interdependence?